Barry Meguiar was the President of Meguiar's, Inc., a California-based company of car care products founded in 1901. and former host of Discovery's Velocity series Car Crazy. Now, in his 80's he is sharing his life's testimony. In some really unique ways. Barry says, "Everyone is a soul" according to God. So, in addition to speaking engagements and seminars and car shows, he and his wife share Gods love in these last days in a special way. 

One thing he does is that he offers to pray for his host or hostess while saying grace for his meals when he goes out to eat. "I'm going to pray for my meal, is there anything you need prayer for, and I can pray for you too". It's a unitrsuive way to simply show someone you care. No preaching, no Roman's Road. Just sharing the Love like Jesus would in common conversation. My family did this while on vacation and you wouldn't believe how the hostess opened up. It's an amazing story for another day. My wife is still in touch. 

In a personal video we recorded for my parents...he gave a powerful message about Hope, and a Harvest of people that need God's Love. 
I edited it down and felt compelled to share because for an unscripted message, it's timeless, energetic and invigorating. It's a challenge to share the Joy Jesus can provide to those who love God and know the Lord and a personal basis.